भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ
There is nothing on Earth or in the air quite like the Antonov An-225. Dwarfing a Boeing 747 and out-lifting a U.S. Air Force C-5A Galaxy, it can haul an expeditionary force into combat, or carry enough food to avert a famine. Yet, oddly, the original purpose of the An-225 was neither hostile nor humanitarian. Conceived in the chilliest years of the Cold War, the plane was designed as an airborne tow truck for the now-defunct Soviet space shuttle program. Despite its lack of armaments, NATO war planners gave the An-225 a military code name, Cossack. History would reveal that the Soviet nickname for the An-225, Mriya, which is Ukrainian for "dream," was more apt. Issuing a press statement Saturday, the Front said it continued the ongoing protest programs besides launching some new demonstration activities.
भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ
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