भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ

Here is a video of the f!g*ht between husband and wife. It is the inc*ident occurred in the local area, where the local people snapped the video from his mobile and uploaded in the YouTube which is now becoming vi*ral in YouTube. This video is very entertaining it will roll you laughing in the floor. This in*cident is so realistic in some of the society. This is the happening story or say the real story that is common in our society.
The boy marries a girl gives her the dream hopes and the girl leaves her all family back and come alone with the man. He becomes her world. Her life depends on her. With all the expectation she give her life to him but the man without caring her, the sacrifice she did he cheats over her. Here is the same thing happening in this video but the wife is so self defending.

भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ

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