भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ
Cold is a very common s!ckness. But it does give a lot of torture. It can be caught in any season and condition. It can occur because of change in weather, drinking or eating hot or cold, dust or many other reasons. But cold can be easily removed if some home remedies are adopted. Here are some remedies to cure cold: 1. Heating some black pepper with 15-20 grams of pure cow ghee. After black pepper heats up let it cool for some time and add 20 gm of stone sugar. Then take out the black pepper and eat. Eating this for 2-3 days cab cure cold. 2. Boil tulsi leaves, 5 seeds of black pepper, 5 seeds of Black grapes , 5 gm wheat chokkar in 100 gm water. When water boils to half, let it cool and strain. Heat it and drink it before sleeping. This will cure cold in 3-4 days. 3. Boil dried ginger in milk. Drink it before sleeping. This method will cure cold within some days. 4. Cold is cured by drinking tea of tulsi, black pepper and ginger. 5. Cold is cured by eating trifala and honey mixture in ratio 1:1. 6. Licking a mixture of asafetida, trifala and stone sugar in lemon can sure it. Contact a doctor is cold is very serious and continues for more than two weeks.
भिडियो गोप्य हुनाले तल को "चित्र "मा क्लिक गरेपछी मात्र खुल्नेछ
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